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Global Research Platform Workshop:
Creating Worldwide Advanced Services and Infrastructure for Science 
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA
Qualcomm Institute-Calit2 | Atkinson Hall
September 17-18, 2019

REGISTRATION is now open for the Global Research Platform (GRP) Workshop, to be held 17-18 September 2019 at University of California San Diego. The website provides detailed information on the program, the venue and hotels in the vicinity.

* Registration is US $200 through August 15, 2019, and is US $300 starting August 16. 

* For those who wish to do extreme data transfer trials, there is information online about accessing Calit2’s Nautilus cluster in San Diego. Demos should be completed prior to the Workshop, with results — displayed as a single Powerpoint or an electronic poster — to be shown during the evening reception on Tuesday, September 17. Send information about your demo to Maxine Brown <>.

The GRP Workshop has a number of informed keynote talks and panel sessions to stimulate discussions among attendees on a variety of topics, including application drivers, cyberinfrastructure, distributed data fabrics, data movement services, programmable networking, next-generation optical networking developments, and introductions to some of the evolving research platform initiatives taking place worldwide. The goal of this Workshop is to bring together network researchers, engineers and managers as well as application scientists to share best practices and advance the state of the art.